Sequelae of tooth extraction

Bone resorption :

After tooth extraction, the bone supporting this teeth starts to resorb. Placing dental implant immediately after extraction or as soon as possible is the ideal solution to prevent bone resorption.  
If implant was not placed after extraction and bone resorbed, bone graft can be done before or with implant placement to restore resorbed bone.  
Bone resorption complicate implant placement until it reach a stage were implant placement is impossible


Over-eruption of opposing teeth :

After teeth extraction, teeth in the opposing arch start to over-erupt. It is very important to replace teeth immediately after extraction because teeth over-eruption complicate the replacement. Sometimes the tooth should be extracted if the over-eruption is severe


Movement of adjacent teeth :

After teeth extraction, the adjacent teeth start to move toward extraction area which lead to spaces between teeth, periodontal diseases and teeth mobility


Enlargement of maxillary sinus (Pneumatization) :

Maxillary sinus pneumatization is one of the main problems associated with tooth extraction in the upper arch. The air pressure in the sinus causes bone resorption and sinus enlargement. Sinus pneumatization complicate dental implant placement. A procedure called sinus lift or sinus bone augmentation should be done before or with implant placement to be able to place proper size implant in this region.


Spaces between anterior teeth and protrusion of upper lip :

With loss of more posterior teeth and problems associated with it, the pressure on anterior teeth increases which lead to spaces between them & protrusion of the teeth and the upper lip.

There are many ways to solve this problems, but most of the cases are treated by one of two ways:

Orthodontic treatment to align teeth to their original position, then replacing missing teeth.  
Extraction of the anterior teeth if they have severe mobility or severe bone loss and replacing all missing teeth by implants or complete denture  
Bone resorption complicate implant placement until it reach a stage were implant placement is impossible


With loss of all teeth, atrophy of the face and facial muscle will occur which will give the look of old age

Last Update
10/13/2008 11:37:30 AM