What happen if the teeth are not cleaned

Plaque is the main cause of gingival and periodontal diseases. Plaque is soft deposits that adhere to the tooth surface or other hard surfaces in the oral cavity, including removable and fixed restorations and is composed mainly of bacteria that cause gingival diseases and teeth caries.


Plaque start to form on the teeth through a thin biofilm after minutes of using toothbrush, after few hours bacteria start to attach to this biofilm, multiply and grow.

If the toothbrush is not used, plaque will continue to accumulate until it matures. With time, calcium and phosphate (from saliva and gingival secretions) will start to precipitate inside the plaque leading to calculus formation which is hard and cannot be removed by toothbrush, only the dentist or hygienist can remove it.

If the calculus is not removed at its early stages, it will start to accumulate under the gingiva especially in deep pockets, which make its removal more difficult and may need surgery for its exposure and removal.

Last Update
11/11/2008 1:08:55 AM